Thursday, 19 December 2013

When I think of Child Development

The child arrives like a mystery box…
with puzzle pieces inside
some of the pieces are broken or missing…
and others just seem to hide
 But the HEART of a teacher can sort them out…
and help the child to see
the potential for greatness he has within…
a picture of what he can be
 Her goal isn’t just to teach knowledge…
by filling the box with more parts
it’s putting the pieces together…
to create a work of art
 The process is painfully slow at times…
some need more help than others
each child is a work in progress…
with assorted shapes and colors
 First she creates a classroom…
where the child can feel safe in school
where he never feels threatened or afraid to try…
and kindness is always the rule
 She knows that a child
can achieve much more
when he feels secure inside
 when he’s valued and loved…
and believes in himself…
and he has a sense of pride
 She models and teaches good character…
and respect for one another
how to focus on strengths…not weaknesses…
and how to encourage each other
 She gives the child the freedom he needs…
to make choices on his own
so he learns to become more responsible…
and is able to stand alone
 He’s taught to be strong and think for himself
as his soul and spirit heal
and the puzzle that’s taking shape inside…
has a much more positive feel
 The child discovers the joy that comes
from learning something new…
and his vision grows as he begins
to see all the things that he can do
 A picture is formed as more pieces fit…
an image of the child within
with greater strength and confidence…
and a belief that he can win!
 All because a hero was there…
in the HEART of a teacher who cared
enabling the child to become much more…
than he ever imagined…or dared
 A teacher with a HEART for her children…
knows what teaching is all about
she may not have all the answers…
but on this…she has no doubt
 When asked which subjects she loved to teach,
she answered this way and smiled…
“It’s not the subjects that matter…
It’s all about teaching the CHILD”
 © Paula Fox 2008

                                               Here are two additional quotes that I love

To My Colleagues,

I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to Dr. Davis and to all of you for your support through the sharing of your ideas, insights and experiences throughout this course. By reading and participating in the group discussions and blogs, it has helped to inspire me to continue to seek greatness as I journey through my learning in the early childhood field. I look forward to working with you in future classes.  I wish all of you Good luck as we embark on our wonderful journey as professional in the Early Childhood Field. Thanks Again


  1. Zephirina,
    Thank you so very much for this beautiful poem you selected. It really does sum up the most important aspects of what we are trying to do as teachers. Anyone that does not feel as passionate about children as described in the poem has no business teaching! You are incredibly thoughtful and I have enjoyed reading your blog and discussion posts.

  2. Hi Zephirina, it was once again good to have you here to read your blogs and view your insights on child development and how we can improve or assist the way in which we in the Caribbean go about influencing the child's development. I hope you continue in good stead throughout your studies, the race is not for the swift but who can endure.
