Friday, 24 October 2014

A Note of Thanks

My dear colleagues, we have once again come to the end of yet another exciting and interesting course.  During the past eight weeks I have gained tremendous knowledge and insights through your thought provoking discussions, compliments, suggestions, critical feedback, blog entries and responses.  This course has truly taught me a lot about being an effective communicator, successful collaborator and team builder and for that I will be forever grateful. 

I would like to thank you for your committed support in helping me have such a rich experience throughout this course.  It was a pleasure being a part of this group of dedicated early childhood professionals.  As we move to our varied specializations I would like to wish you the best as you move forward in this journey.  Please feel free to contact me via my Walden email.


  1. Zephirina,
    I appreciate your gratitude for the classes involvement in the expansion of our communication knowledge. It has been a pleasure reading your post, feedback and shared experiences on this journey. The knowledge that the course has given us in perfecting our communication style will assist us in our professional goals. I am grateful to have gone through the course with dedicate early childhood professions like yourself. I hope to see you in some of the future classes we have to complete on this journey to our Masters Degree.

  2. Hello Zephirina! I have enjoyed reading your post and receiving support from you during this past year. A you said we didn't have this course together,but we started out together form the beginning. I wish you well and as I said I hope to visit the Virgin Islands one day!

  3. Zephirina,
    It has been a pleasure in having you in this class and I can say reading your discussion post and blog has shown me how much you truly enjoy teaching. I'm going into my capstone class now so I will not have the pleasure of having you in any of the specializations since I've completed mine last year. I wish you the best in the rest of your journey of completing your degree.
